Artist Trading Coins by Heather Thompson
I just had to try the new trend of ATC’s-Artist Trading Coins. I had an idea of using the Air Mail Collection and the matching UmWowStudio MASH that goes with the collection. The neat thing about these is it really makes you thing outside the box. hahah they’re circles. I used multiple elements from the collection from the die-cut elements to the word stickers.
I started with just getting the base cut using some thick cardboard I actually got from DeeDee. Measuring 2.5 inches (6.35 cm), I used my sticker maker to glue on the paper from the 6×6 pack, perfect size to fit 4 on a piece of paper. After some background stencilling, I used the die-cut element and stickers to build up a little cluster on the coins before topping it off with the word stickers.
Here is a video
7 Dots Studio supplies:
Products List:
Air Mail – Die-cut Elements 6×12
Air Mail – Element Stickers 6×12
Air Mail – Postage Note Stencil
Air Mail – Word Stickers 6×12
Air Mail – Pad 6×6