We ship all over the world.
You can estimate the cost of shipping when you are logged into the store. Put all needed items into a basket and choose “view cart”. At the bottom of the page, you will see the option “Estimate shipping & taxes”. When you click on it you will be able to choose your location. The cost of shipping depends on the weight of the parcel.
Usually, we ship within 1-2 days from payment.
All items, you see in our store are in stock (except for pre-ordering time – for each product available for pre-ordering there is such information in its description).
We accept PayPal, Stripe and bank transfers.
We do our best to keep the shipping rate as low as possible. You can choose between Global Expres, Trackable and Priority post (not all options are available for 2 kg and heavier parcels).
– Global Express is fully trackable, has very fast shipping, available for parcels up to 2 kilograms.
– Trackable is fully trackable, priority shipment.
– Priority post is not always trackable in all countries, although it is registered, a priority shipment.